We can ever denied that fresh fruits and vegetables is always so delicious and healthy! However, they have their own shelf life. NOW, let's straight into the point...
Have you ever wonder that fruits and vegetables respire just like the tree, brushes and vines? YES,they do! Just like we breathe in oxygen and expell carbon dioxide and fruits is vice versa. The faster they respire, the faster they ripe and rot. Thus, we keep fruits and vegetables in fridge to slown down their ripening and rottoning. In other words, to maintain the quality of food.

After the fruits or vegetables rot, then now is the time where bacteria or microorganisms start to invade! When food get ripe, spoilt, dented, scratched or bruished, the cells have been broken and it is susceptible to bacteria. That's why rotton, spoilt or even a dented canned food will harm our body.
Thus, microorganisms play only a part in rotting a fruit...the main thing which leads to the rotting of fruits is the ENTHYLENE GAS!
- Fruit rotting time lapse: http//www.youtube.com/watch?v=EferhqiSy3E
- Fruit and Vegetable Decomposition, Time-lapse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0En-_BVbGc
- Spoiled rotten-Why Fruits and Veges go Bad. Available from: http//www.bellaonline.com/articles/art18246.asp (Accessed 27 July 2010).
Meaning to say, if you want to prevent or slow down the rotting process of the rest of the fruits or vege, then you will have to remove the ones that have already rot, right?